When it All Goes Wrong – TEAM CHAT

Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jennifer-grossman/date-the-atlas-not-the-sh_b_6114224.html

So you had a plan. Everyone took on their roles and did their best, but for whatever reason, it’s all fallen apart. You may have even played really well. It’s not so important, it happens to the best of us. What is important however, is what comes next.

 I know how frustrating it can be. How annoyed it can make you when you’ve played really well and still failed, whether that’s because your teammates didn’t follow through on plans, or just didn’t have the skill to push the team to victory.

In my experience, there’s only one good option for what to do next. Especially if you’re still in-game and have more rounds to play or objectives to earn, that option is to stay positive. I don’t mean unrealistically, unrelentingly positive. I just mean at least not negative. You could calmly give some advice, but getting angry or going off at your teammates won’t help. That just leads to a toxic team who you won’t really look forward to playing with again. If you can, try to just relax and think about what the team could have done better as a whole – yourself included. If that doesn’t work and you still feel angry, it might be time to just walk away for a few minutes and watch some TV or do something relaxing to reset.


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